Virtual University of Pakistan Student Scholarship

vu scholarship

VU Scholarship: At Virtual University of Pakistan, we are committed to fostering excellence and providing opportunities for deserving students. In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of our merit-based and need-based scholarship programs, outlining eligibility criteria, application processes, and the unparalleled benefits that come with being a scholarship recipient.

Here is the List of other than VU Scholarships available for VU Students:

Available ScholarshipsLink

Other than these scholarships Virtual University Of Pakistan have its own Vu Scholarship System for its students which are categorized as Merit base scholarship and Need based scholarship.

These scholarship rules are subject to be change so keep visiting VULMS for latest updates and guides.

Merit Based Vu Scholarships Rules

Scholarships at the Virtual University of Pakistan are awarded to students as a partial or full remission of the applicable tuition fee. It is important to note that students are still responsible for paying all other dues. These scholarships are valid for one semester only and may be awarded to students who meet the following criteria:

  • Not in receipt of scholarship/financial assistance from any other source
  • Have not received exemption for any course(s)
  • Do not have any repeat/fail course(s)

If a student freezes, withdraws, or discontinues their studies, the scholarship shall be terminated. Additionally, if a student is convicted in any unfair means or disciplinary case, the scholarship will also be terminated. It is important to note that if a student’s scholarship has been terminated, they will not be eligible for any further grant of scholarship during the same study program.

Award of Scholarships to Newly Admitted Students

The Virtual University of Pakistan compiles separate Merit Lists for each program based on the examination on which the admission was granted. To be eligible for a merit scholarship, students must have obtained at least 65% marks or a minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 or a minimum CGPA of 4.0 out of 5.0 (as applicable). One scholarship will be awarded for every fifty (50) students or part thereof, with a maximum of ten scholarships in any study program.

1. Merit Lists Compilation

Upon admission, we compile separate Merit Lists for each program based on the qualifying examination. Students securing at least 65% marks or a minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 (or equivalent) position themselves for consideration.

2. Tie-Breaking Mechanisms

In the event of a tie in merit determination, we consider the marks or CGPA obtained in the preceding examination. Further ties are resolved based on dates of birth, with preference given to the youngest candidate.

Award of Scholarships to Continuing Students

To be eligible for a merit scholarship, continuing students must have accumulated an equal or higher number of credits as prescribed in the applicable scheme of study. The University compiles separate Merit Lists for each program based on the semester GPA.

1. Merit Lists Based on Semester GPA

Merit for continuing students is determined by semester GPA. Those achieving a minimum GPA of 3.25 while maintaining a CGPA of at least 3.00 are eligible for this prestigious recognition.

2. Ensuring Fairness in Ties

Similar to the process for newly admitted students, ties are resolved by considering overall percentage marks for the semester and dates of birth.

Need Based Vu Scholarships Rules

Similar to merit scholarships, need-based scholarships at the Virtual University of Pakistan are awarded as a partial or full remission of the applicable tuition fee. Students are still responsible for paying all other dues. These scholarships are also valid for one semester only and have specific eligibility criteria:

  • Not in receipt of scholarship/financial assistance from any other source
  • Have not received exemption for any course(s)
  • Do not have any repeat/fail course(s)

If a student withdraws or discontinues their studies, or if they are convicted in any unfair means or disciplinary case, the scholarship shall be terminated. Similarly, if a student’s scholarship has been terminated, they will not be eligible for any further grant of scholarship during the same study program.

Award of Need Based Scholarships to Newly Admitted Students

Students intending to avail need-based scholarships must apply on the prescribed form at the time of filing the admission application. To be eligible for a need-based scholarship, students must have obtained at least 60% marks or a minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 or a minimum CGPA of 3.5 out of 5.0 (as applicable). The University compiles separate Merit Lists of eligible applicants for each program based on the examination on which the admission was granted. The top students on each Merit List shall be awarded need-based scholarships.

1. Application Process

Students intending to avail need-based scholarships apply during the admission process, indicating their financial need on the prescribed form.

2. Merit Lists Compilation

Merit for need-based scholarships is determined based on examination performance during admission. Applicants securing at least 60% marks or a minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 are eligible for consideration.

3. Tie-Breaking Mechanisms

In case of ties, we prioritize marks or CGPA from the preceding examination and use dates of birth as the final tie-breaker.

Award of Need Based Scholarships to Continuing Students

Continuing students who are availing need-based scholarships must achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.25 while maintaining a CGPA of at least 2.50. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the withdrawal of the scholarship. However, students whose scholarships have been withdrawn for not maintaining the required CGPA of 2.50 will become re-eligible for the scholarship upon achieving the required CGPA. It is important to note that the resumption of the scholarship will be subject to the availability of funds.

1. Accumulated Credits

To maintain eligibility, students must accumulate credits as prescribed in their respective schemes of study.

2. Academic Performance

Students availing need-based scholarships must achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.25 while maintaining a CGPA of at least 2.50. Failure to meet these criteria results in the withdrawal of the scholarship.

3. Re-eligibility

Students whose scholarships are withdrawn due to academic performance can regain eligibility upon achieving the required CGPA. However, resumption is subject to fund availability.

At the Virtual University of Pakistan, scholarships are provided to deserving students based on their merit or financial need. These scholarships aim to support students in their educational journey and provide them with opportunities to excel academically.


In conclusion, scholarships at Virtual University of Pakistan are not just financial aids; they are keys to unlocking the doors of educational excellence. Whether through merit-based recognition or need-based support, we are dedicated to empowering students on their academic journey. By adhering to stringent eligibility criteria and fostering fairness in tie-breaking mechanisms, we ensure a transparent and inclusive scholarship program.

Remember, at Virtual University of Pakistan, we don’t just offer education; we invest in futures.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. How are Merit-Based Scholarships Awarded at Virtual University of Pakistan?

Merit-based scholarships at Virtual University of Pakistan are awarded to newly admitted students based on their academic performance. The university compiles separate Merit Lists for each program, considering the examination on which admission was granted. Students securing at least 65% marks or a minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 (or equivalent) are eligible. For continuing students, merit is determined by semester GPA, with a minimum GPA of 3.25 and a CGPA of at least 3.00 required.

2. What Happens in the Case of a Tie in Merit Determination?

In the event of a tie in merit, the university employs a fair tie-breaking mechanism. Initially, the marks or CGPA obtained in the preceding examination are considered. If a tie persists, dates of birth are used as the final tie-breaker, with preference given to the youngest candidate.

3. Can Continuing Students Avail Merit-Based Scholarships?

Yes, continuing students at Virtual University of Pakistan can avail themselves of merit-based scholarships. To be eligible, they must maintain a minimum semester GPA of 3.25 while sustaining a CGPA of at least 3.00.

4. What Criteria Determine Eligibility for Need-Based Scholarships?

Eligibility for need-based scholarships is determined for both newly admitted and continuing students at Virtual University of Pakistan. Newly admitted students securing at least 60% marks or a minimum CGPA of 2.5 out of 4.0 are eligible. For continuing students, maintaining a minimum semester GPA of 2.25 and a CGPA of at least 2.50 is essential.

5. How Does the University Ensure Fairness in Need-Based Scholarship Distribution?

Fairness is a priority in the distribution of need-based scholarships. In case of ties, the university considers the marks or CGPA obtained in the examination preceding the one on which the merit list was created. Dates of birth are then used to break any remaining ties, with the youngest candidate given precedence.

6. Can Students Regain Eligibility for Need-Based Scholarships if Withdrawn?

Yes, students whose need-based scholarships have been withdrawn due to academic performance can regain eligibility. To do so, they must achieve the required CGPA. However, the resumption of the scholarship is subject to the availability of funds.

7. Are Scholarships Available Only for Tuition Fees?

Yes, scholarships at Virtual University of Pakistan comprise partial or full remission of the applicable tuition fee only. Students are required to pay all other dues associated with their studies.

8. How Is the Number and Amount of Scholarships Determined Each Year?

The number and amount of scholarships are determined annually by the Management Committee based on the allocation in the university’s annual budget. This ensures a transparent and well-planned scholarship program.

9. How Can Students Apply for Need-Based Scholarships during Admission?

Students intending to avail need-based scholarships should apply on the prescribed form at the time of filing the admission application. This form allows them to indicate their financial need and be considered for this form of assistance.

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